When is an official translation of scientific articles necessary?

A scientific article is a document that describes the original research and results obtained in a scientific study. They are usually written by researchers and academics in the relevant field and published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
A typical scientific article includes the following elements:
- Summary: A brief summary that provides an overview of the study.
- Introduction: A section that sets the context of the study and describes the research question.
- Methods: A section describing the methods used in the study, including the study population, study design and data collection procedures.
- Results: This part of the article presents the results of the research, usually in the form of tables and graphs, to make it more visual and allow comparisons to be made.
- Discussion: is a section that interprets the results and relates them to previous knowledge in the field, discusses the limitations of the study and suggests areas for future research.
- References: a list of sources cited in the article.
Scientific articles are an important way of communicating research results to the scientific community and allow other researchers to review and replicate the study. As they are often used internationally, it is common for them to be adapted into other languages by sworn translators or specialised technical translators.
In addition to their dissemination, official translations of such essays or articles are essential if they are to be submitted to an international committee or if they are to be eligible for an award or recognition.
Sworn translations are also useful for achieving collaboration between scientists of different nationalities. If the scientific article is translated into different languages, other scientists can analyse it and work on new theories based on it.
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How much does the translation of scientific articles cost?
So that the translation be accepted in Spain, the translation should be carried out by a sworn translator in Spain who isapproved by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Only a translator with this recognition can perform a translation that is sworn or official and valid at an international level.
Among the frequently asked questions about sworn translation services, price is always an issue of concern, but what is really important in these cases is the quality of the final result. It is no use paying little if the result is not of high quality, and quality is essential when it comes to translating a scientific paper because it will be shared publicly.
In most cases, official translators usually offer a per word o per page rate, meaning that the price can vary greatly depending on the length of the document.
If you need a sworn translation of a scientific article, at LinguaVox we offer more than 20 years of experience and work with translators offer a range of technical specialisms and can ensure that the translated text is a faithful and exact copy of the original. While the most requested language for the sworn translation of scientific texts is English, we offer scientific translations in the 39 languages in which there are sworn translators accredited by the Spanish authorities: French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, etc.
>>> Ask for our rates for sworn translations of scientific articles.