Certified translation service » Sworn translation of a diploma

When is a sworn translation of a diploma required?


A diploma is a document awarded to a person after completing an educational or training programme. It is usually a physical document printed on paper, but it can also be an electronic document in digital format.

The diploma certifies that the person has fulfilled all the requirements necessary to obtain a certain qualification , such as an academic degree or a professional certification.

Diplomas may be awarded by educational or training institutions, certification organisations, or by government bodies regulating certain professions. It is a formal recognition indicating that the individual has achieved a specific level of knowledge and skills in a particular area of study or practice.

Official translations of a diploma are necessary in many situations, especially when presenting documents in a foreign country. In such cases, an official translation is necessary to ensure that the content of the document is properly understood and to avoid misinterpretations that could have negative consequences.

A sworn translation of a diploma will be needed when applying to a university or employment in a country other than the country of origin. The official translation ensures that the content of the diploma is correctly interpreted by academic institutions or employers.

In addition, in some countries, government authorities require an official translation of these documents in order to process a visa or immigration application. In these cases, official translation is necessary to comply with legal requirements. The document must, therefore, be translated by an official translator. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need your diploma translated or require a sworn translation of your university degree.

At LinguaVox, we work with sworn translators throughout Spain in all the languages included in the list of sworn translators published by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

>>> Request a free quote for the official translation of your diploma by a sworn translator.

How much does it cost to translate a Spanish diploma for use abroad?

Official translators usually apply fixed rates per word or per page. Normally a diploma only takes up one page and the content is not usually very long, so a fixed fee is normally charged. However, if the translation has some added complexity, the price may be somewhat higher.

The price of an official English translation of a diploma is around 50-65 euros, including VAT and delivery costs by courier.

If you’d like to know the price of a sworn translation in another language, contact us to request a free, no-obligation quote.

Where can I find a sworn translator for my diploma?

At LinguaVox we offer sworn or official translations of all types of documents in over 38 languages, as well as the translation of websites and other texts in up to 150 languages. Our team is made up of a large number of specialists, who are accredited as sworn translators by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Our work is of the highest quality and has enabled us to obtain ISO 9001, ISO 17100 and ISO 18587 certification.

An official translation of your diploma guarantees that it will be valid anywhere in the world where you wish to use it, and will allow you to complete the necessary formalities without any further problems or delays.

>>> Ask for our rates for sworn translations of certificates, performed by sworn translators.