Sworn translation service » Sworn translations of company statutes and accounts

When is it necessary to translate business documentation?


Companies handle many important documents, such as the company's articles of association, articles of incorporation, company accounts and financial statements, contracts with suppliers and customers, employees' pay slips, minutes of meetings, management reports, etc.

Naturally, these documents are drafted in the official language of the country in which the company is registered. When it wants to operate abroad, it will need its partners to understand the content of these documents, so an official translation of these documents will be necessary.

For example, if a new partner from another countrywants to join the business, essential information such as the company's articles of association and accounts should will need to be provided in their language.

Sworn translations of articles of association, company accounts, articles of incorporation and other official documentation of a business entity may also be necessary if the company wishes to bid for a project or contract in a foreign country, or if it wishes to operate outside its home country through a permanent establishment in another country.

Official translations of these documents certify to the authorities in other countries, as well as to all those who may be interested in having a relationship with that company, that the translated document is exactly the same as the original document written in another language.

In the business world, this assurance is absolutely necessary. This is why the translation must always be performed by sworn translators in Spain who are accredited by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

>>> Request a quote for the translation of business papers.

How can I obtain a sworn translation?

The company concerned must submit the original documentation to the translator. It is important to bear in mind that the translation professional does not at any time certify that the information contained in the original documents is accurate, but merely states that the translation is the same as the original document. If the data submitted by the company is misrepresented, inaccurate or incomplete, the responsibility for this is not the sworn translator’s.

The sworn translator can begin once they receive the files for translation. The time it will take depends on the length and complexity of the documentation.

These types of business documents tend to be very technical, so it is not enough for the official translator to have knowledge of the target language, rather they must also understand technical vocabulary from the legal, business and accounting fields.

If you need a professional translation service for your company documents, do not hesitate to contact us. At LinguaVox we have more than 20 years' experience in the field of sworn and technical translations. With LinguaVox’s services, you can be sure that you have the right translator for your document, even if it is a complex business document. We work in more than 150 languages and our work has been recognised for its quality with several ISO 9001, 17100, 18587 certifications.

In addition to sworn translations in Spain, we also offer sworn translations in France, Germany, Italy, etc. and certified translations between English and any language, accepted by the British and American authorities.

>>> Request our rates for sworn translations of company documents.