Sworn translation service » Sworn translation of powers of attorney and adoption papers

When are sworn translations of adoption papers necessary?

Basically, whenever the adopters and the adoptee belong to countries with different languages, sworn translations of all papers and documents that must have official statusare required.

Adoption is a process involving the authorities of the prospective parents’ country and those of the country of the child to be adopted. For the whole process to be legal, a large amount of documentation is required: identification of the adopters and the adoptee, the adoption file, the judicial decision declaring the adoption legally valid, the psychological and assessment reports carried out by professionals, etc.


The processing of the documents is carried out by the country where the adoptee is located, but then all of that documentation must be presented in the country to which the adopted child is to be transferred in order to prove that the whole process has been carried out legally. It is at this point that the sworn translation of the adoption file will be necessary. It is even possible that the authorities may ask to see additional documentation, so it may, for example, be useful to have a sworn translation of the psychological report issued during the adoption process. In addition, it is essential to have the sworn translation of the court judgement regarding the adoption.

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The importance of the sworn translator in international adoption proceedings

If you are involved in an adoption of a child from another country, you will most likely need asworn translation of their passport and other documents, which will need to be presented to the authorities in your country.

Once the whole procedure has been completed, you will need a sworn translation of the adoption decree issued abroad, as well as a sworn translation of the adoption documents, in order to present it to the authorities in your country of residence to register the adoption in the civil registry.

These are extremely important documents and, consequently, the authorities of the two countries involved in the adoption must be sure that the documents being presented to them do indeed say what the translation states.

It is therefore essential that all documents are handled by sworn translators. They are the only competent authority, which can accredit that the content reflected in the translation coincides exactly and precisely with the original document issued in another language.

Adoption processes are often quite lengthy, so it is advisable to prepare all documentation as quickly and thoroughly as possible to avoid any mistakes that may delay the procedure even more. Therefore, just as adoptive parents have a legal adviser from the outset, they should also make sure they use the services of accredited sworn translators in Spain . Here you can read more about the most frequently asked questions about sworn translations.

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Where can I find a sworn translator for adoption papers?

At LinguaVox we have more than 20 years of experience in official translations of all kinds. We work with technical specialists who can accurately translate complex legal documents for adoption from one language to another in a short timeframe.

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